Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Hair bleaching at home? You sure?

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What have I done?

It's been a bout half a year since I home-bleached my hair. I know right, what the hell was I thinking? I honestly felt like buying formula for my daughter was a bigger priority than my hair cravings so I decided not to spend 50$ at the salon. I thought "What the heck, I can get platinum blonde at home for so much less".

Oh how wrong I was.

What ended up happening at first was my hair barely even turned brown. I did everything wrong. My peroxide was only 9% which was nothing compared to the salons (because I didn't want to damage my hair), on the bleach package it was written that we only leave the stuff on for a maximal of 20 minutes until your hair starts damaging, so like an idiot I followed the instructions, and I didn't buy nearly enough bleaching powder and peroxide to cover my whole head.

 After 2 days I did a second attempt (because my hair didn't turn even the slightest bit yellow, I felt two days was safe enough). I bought two times as much bleach and peroxide, I also bought light brown hair colour to finish it off. The result was again disappointing. I had stripes, like a fucking zebra, only the colours were light blonde and light brown. It turns out you need to keep your hair pretty straight during the process, and I scrunched up all the foil instead of carefully folding it neatly. So I decided not to leave the house for another two weeks and re-do it a third time.

The third time I got all of it right. Oh yeah, except for my roots. My fucking roots. I had black roots, still! Fourth time's the charm right?


After the fourth root-touch-up, I had the blonde I wanted. Though a bit brassy, it was sufficient. I could at least not embarrass myself whenever I needed to go to the supermarket.

Was all that work and money worth it? HECK NO! 

After 2 weeks I got black roots again, and now after 6 months I got 1/4 black and 3/4 brassy blonde hair. It's an ombre that is more disaster than it is trendy. Not to mention all of the damage done to my hair, my poor hair, all the split ends and never ending hair cuts (when I'm trying to get my hair long!). So my advice to you who want to get your hair bleached, just go to the salon. It costs pretty much the same, and you get it faster and it's less work. Just remember that you need to touch up again in two weeks so get your wallet ready.

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